Saturday, October 2, 2010

Holyrood Park

With the sun shinning this morning I woke up at about 9 am to walk up the "Radical Rock" at Holyrood Park. Radical Rock is right next to King Arthur's Seat, which actually used to be a volcano. I figured since it was such a nice day I should take advantage of the sun and get some pictures.
This is King Arthur's Seat, it's right next to Radical Rock.
This is Radical Rock, King Arthur's Seat is just to the right of it. I walked all the way to the top of this rock.
Just to give you an idea of how tall Radical Rock is.
There is a valley between Radical Rock and King Arthur's Seat and this is the view from the valley.

I love how you can see across the water.
I sat on the rock all the way to the left, I felt like I was up in the clouds.
Just to show you how high up I was.
This is King Arthur's Seat (or at least I think).
Can you see the little white picket fence? That is where the path up to King Arthur's Seat is, I thought the white picket fence looked so cute.
It was amazing being up at the top of the rock, I put on some music from The Lord of the Rings and Chronicles of Narnia soundtracks, I felt like I was on my own little journey. When I came back I told my flatmates how amazing it was, so we've decided to climb to the top of King Arthur's Seat tomorrow and have a picnic at the top.

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