Monday, March 7, 2011

Hmm Sweden for the weekend? Yes I think so.

This past weekend two of my friends and I went to Stockholm, Sweden for the weekend. My cousin was nice enough to allow us to stay in his flat while he was away on vacation, so we were right in the city center. I was their official tour guide for the weekend, seeing as I've been to Stockholm a million times. Our adventures started Saturday morning where we went to the open market and a cool modern furniture store. After that we went to Skansen, my favorite part of Sweden.
Me on a Dala Hast, a traditional Swedish figure, except normally a lot smaller.
Ahahahah I love the squirrel's ears
Fighting seals!
There was a baby moose that kept coming up to the fence wanting people to pet him. He came up to me so I started petting him. As soon as I stopped he would nudge my hand, just like a dog would, he didn't want me to stop petting him! I told my friends that the trick with any animal is just to scratch them behind the ears, they love it!
Luckily we had beautiful blue skies and sunshine that day!
And there was still snow on the ground!
Overall it was a nice relaxing and fun weekend. And of course I did enjoy eating some great Swedish candy, no one makes candy like they do.
This morning when I woke up I heard a funny noise outside, I'm of course used to the chickens making noise but now it sounded like the chicken had a cold (we'd have that in common). So when I got up and looked out the window I was surprised to see that we now have a family of ducks living outside! 
That explains the funny noise...

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