Monday, October 4, 2010

My Shower Hates Me

Today I went shopping with two of my friends on Princes Street. Clothes here are so expensive compared to back home, I couldn't find anything that I could really justify spending my money on. I did find some cute little black everyday shoes that were only 8 pounds. And in urban outfitters there was this 6 pack of key covers so my friends and I split the cost and each got two. It was perfect because I could never tell which key would let me in the building and which one would let me into my room. They are the cutest little covers too...
Later after I played tennis I attempted to take a shower. The water just would not heat up! It did the same thing to me yesterday. I was getting so frustrated and in the end I had to take a freezing cold shower which sucked. Hopefully I'll have more luck tomorrow...

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